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Manage my savings
All about my savings
Who are we?
All about my savings
Fees and taxation
Understanding employee savings and retirement
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Financial management
Understanding employee savings and retirement
My PER Collectif
My PER Obligatoire
Why transfer my unused rest days?
Definition of employee savings and retirement
What is profit-sharing?
What is participation?
What is the contribution?
What is the Time Savings Account (CET)?
What is the difference between my PEE/PEI and my Collective PER/Mandatory PER
What are the new advantages of the Retirement Savings Plan (PER)?
PEE/PEI, Collective PER, Mandatory PER, what are the differences?
What are deductible voluntary payments?
What is the PASS?
What are voluntary payments?
My days placed are not imposed
I'm leaving my company, what options are available to me?
Should I keep my savings with Epsor if I leave my company?
What is a Company Savings Plan (PEE/PEI)?
How to save on your PEI/PEE?
What taxation is associated with my PEE/PEI?
What are the fees applied to the PEE/PEI?
What is the “personalized” PEE/PEI profile?
What is the ceiling for PEE/PEI payments?
What are the reasons for early release of the PEE/PEI?
Our PEE/PEI investor profiles