The security of your savings

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Epsor relies on its partners

Epsor plays the role of registrar, and has the Société Générale group as a partner, as account keeper and curator of your savings.
All your interactions will be centralized by Epsor who will be your single point of contact . On the other hand, the flows of your savings are directly operated by our banking partner and in no way by Epsor.

The bank deposit guarantee therefore applies to savings managed by Epsor, you will be reimbursed up to 100,000 euros in the event of bank failures.

Finally, the savings invested by employees are in investment vehicles managed by the best management companies in the market: Lazard Frères Gestion, La Financière de l'Echiquier, Edmond de Rothschild, etc.

Epsor has several approvals:

Epsor's activity is certified by Orias (Organization for the single register of intermediaries in insurance, banking and finance) , the CNCIF (National Chamber of Financial Investment Advisors) and the AMF (Financial Markets Authority).