Why choose management managed on my Collective PER and/or Mandatory PER?

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From the most cautious to the most dynamic, Epsor offers you 4 managed management profiles, each corresponding to a different objective and level of risk .

By choosing managed management :

1️⃣ You will be able to invest your savings in 1 click on different funds that make up the selected profile, you will not have to select them manually. As part of a Mandatory PER, your mandatory contributions will be automatically invested in the funds that make up your profile.

2️⃣ Your savings will be secured gradually and automatically as you get closer to the legal retirement age, by investing in low-risk funds.

3️⃣ Your investments will be re-arbitrated automatically in accordance with the selected managed profile.

4️⃣ You can change your profile at any time and for free among the 4 offered. This will automatically result in a rearbitrage of your investments.

5️⃣ This management method is free !