Why can't I access my company's Mandatory PER?

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The Mandatory PER is a system which can be open to all employees or reserved for certain categories . The law defines 5 objective categories on which the company can rely to define the targeted population:

  • Executives or non-executives : According to the CCN definitions of executive retirement (articles 4 and 4 bis)

  • Remuneration thresholds : The accepted criteria are: ≥ or ≤ 1, 2, 3 or 4 PASS or ≤ 8 PASS

  • Professional sector classifications : As defined by sector conventions or professional agreements

  • Subcategories of branch classifications : E.g. level of responsibility, type of functions or degree of autonomy

  • Belonging to a category for which the establishment of a supplementary pension scheme is legally obligatory.