What is the floor guarantee?

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This guarantee applies in the event of death of the holder of a Mandatory PER during the savings phase and ensures that the designated beneficiary(ies) receive capital at least equal to the sum of the net payments invested. (in case this happens during a period of capital loss).

Let's take the example of a saver who has invested 35,000 euros in total in his Mandatory PER. When he dies, two scenarios can happen :

First scenario : The saver has made a capital gain and his capital amounts to 55,000 euros, the guarantee is not necessary and the beneficiary will therefore receive 55,000 euros*.

Second scenario : The saver has made a capital loss and his capital is now only 15,000 euros. The guarantee applies and in this case, the insurer will pay an additional 20,000 euros in order to reconstitute the entire capital paid on the contract (35,000 euros in our example)*.

* Before the deduction of taxes, contributions or levies in force during the payment of the benefits which will be the responsibility of the beneficiary(ies)