What are the deadlines for making my unblocking request?

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1️⃣ As part of a PEE/PEI , you will need to request the release of your savings:

  • Within 6 months from the date of the event for the following reasons : marriage, purchase/construction of your main residence, adoption or birth of your third child, divorce, expansion of your main residence, restoration continued to a natural disaster, creation or takeover of a business

  • Without delay for the following reasons : disability, over-indebtedness, death, domestic violence, termination of the employment contract or retirement.

2️⃣ As part of a Collective PER / Mandatory PER:

  • Within 6 months from the date of the event for the following reasons : purchase/construction of your main residence, restoration following a natural disaster.

  • Without delay for the following reasons : disability, over-indebtedness, death, death of a spouse, retirement, expiry of unemployment insurance rights.