How can I properly manage my savings from my dashboard?
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From your dashboard, you can have an overall overview of the evolution of your employee and retirement savings at Epsor ( PEE/PEI , Collective PER and Mandatory PER combined).
(1) View the overall amount of your savings , in the yellow box, which adds up the savings from all of your plans.
(2) Your potential capital gains or losses (what your investments have allowed your savings to gain or lose since its first day of investment) are visible just below the overall value of your savings.
(3) The origin of your savings : participation, profit-sharing, matching contributions, voluntary payments.
(4) The available savings tells you when you will be able to withdraw your savings blocked for at least 5 years within the framework of the PEI/PEE.
(5) The use of the contribution offered by your company, in the event that it has set up this mechanism. Contribution received, current or remaining.
(6) Your savings plans with the amount saved, the capital gains or losses made as well as the investor profile followed.
(7) The evolution of your savings visible in the “evolution of my savings” box which allows you to follow the variation of your savings according to different filters.
(8) Access to the “my saver profile” page which allows you to modify your investor profile or make an appointment with a financial advisor.
(9) Access to the "operations" page which allows you to make a voluntary payment , transfer an old savings plan, modify your investments or even make your withdrawal request.
(10) Access to the "list of funds" page which allows you to consult the list of our partner funds, the details of these funds (fees, DICI) or the analysis of our partner funds (labels, companies/ Funded States)